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We asked a Latina woman what she wanted people to know about her as a Latina

We asked a Latina woman what she wanted people to know about her as a Latina

Navigating the complexities of cultural identity is no small feat, especially when you embody a rich tapestry of two distinct worlds. Mariana, a proud Latina living in the United States, offers a candid glimpse into her life, balancing the vibrancy of Mexican culture with the nuances of American life. In this insightful conversation we delved into the realities of living at the intersection of two cultures, challenged stereotypes, and embraced the multifaceted nature of her identity.

Mariana, tell us about your experience of being a Latina living in the US.

Latina woman interview

Well, it’s like I’m always balancing two worlds. I’m Latina, but also a US citizen. People often have these stereotypes about Latinas – you know, tacos, tequila, and all that. But for me, it’s more complex. I love my Mexican roots, but I’m equally at home with a burger and fries. It’s like living with one foot in each culture.

How has this dual identity affected you personally?

Latina woman interview

t’s been a challenge, honestly. I used to pride myself on being a ‘coconut’ – brown on the outside, white inside. I thought I had to choose one identity over the other. It led me to hide parts of myself, which felt dishonest. I wish people understood that being Latina or American isn’t my whole identity. I’m more than just stereotypes.

Can you share an example of how these cultural aspects intersect in your life?

Latina woman interview

Sure, there are everyday things that are normal for me as a Latina, but not as an American. Like, I might do something that’s typical in my Latina culture, and my American friends find it unusual. These moments are opportunities for me to share and merge my two worlds.

What’s one thing you wish people knew about Latinas?

Latina woman interview

We’re not just a stereotype. Sure, I’m passionate, loud, and enjoy tacos and tequila, but I’m also a woman, wife, mom, sister, daughter, and friend. My dual cultural identity allows me to create bridges, not just one-way streets. I wish people would see and appreciate the diversity and richness that comes with being a Latina.

Michelamonè Henderson
Michelamonè Henderson is a relationship coach who brings a female perspective to the content of LatinWomenDating. Michelamonè also has first-hand experience in dating as a proud Latina and is ready to share it to help American guys succeed in Latin dating.
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